Alberto Voltolini


The Strange Case of Dr. Moloch and Mr. Snazzo (or the Parmenides’ Riddle Once Again)


It is possible to endorse a syncretistic stance as regards the Parmenidean riddle of non-existence. Items that fail to exist in a first-order and non-universal sense of «existence», hence that are not captured by a restricted application of that predicate, can be admitted in the overall ontological domain of beings, let me call them loyal non-existent items. Non-items that fail to exist in a first-order yet universal sense of «existence», hence that are not captured by an unrestricted application of that predicate, can be utterly ruled out of that domain (properly speaking, with respect to them utterly empty genuine singular terms are the only things that there are). This stance seems to be corroborated by some empirical evidence.


June 23rd / 12:10 / aula magna